Spain & Gillon LLC
Medical & Professional Malpractice
Spain & Gillon has extensive experience in defending physicians, hospitals, and health-care providers, as well as other professionals such as lawyers and veterinarians in malpractice claims. Utilizing the latest technology and a knowledgeable support staff, we offer a quality but conservative defense. In the current litigation climate, it is essential to have experienced litigators with the specialized knowledge and expertise in medical cases. Spain & Gillon offers this expertise to health-care providers throughout the state of Alabama, having handled hundreds of medical liability cases at both the trial and appellate levels, a significant percentage of which involved death or catastrophic injury.
Spain & Gillon LLC
2117 2nd Ave N
Birmingham AL 35203
Tel: 205 328-4100
Fax: 205 324-8866
The nature of our profession is to serve others. As lawyers, our mission is to serve our clients. To discharge that obligation, we have a duty of diligence and preparedness. We must be qualified and ready. We must be current and efficient. We must be able to perceive our client's true goal and the means of attaining it. For over 100 years, we believe Spain & Gillon has understood those obligations and performed them.
