Sirote & Permutt PC
In today's world, virtually no legal or commercial transaction of any consequence can be completed without considering tax issues. Sirote & Permutt's tax attorneys work closely with clients to help structure all manner of transactions with a view toward maximizing tax benefits, reducing risk, and assuring compliance with myriad applicable tax laws. Our practice spans federal, state, local, and international taxation issues.
The Sirote & Permutt Tax Department possesses a wealth of experience in a broad range of business situations. Most of the partners in the Department hold advanced law degrees in tax; many serve on national committees of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation, and teach courses and seminars at area law schools, the American Law Institute and other forums. As virtually no transaction of any consequence can now be completed without tax advice, the Tax Department’s attorneys work closely with clients and other Sirote & Permutt attorneys to structure transactions with a view towards maximizing tax benefits, reducing risk and assuring compliance with the myriad of applicable tax laws. The Tax Department’s expertise has provided valuable planning and tax savings to a wide variety of clients.
In connection with Sirote & Permutt’s representation of clients engaged in all manner of corporate transactions, the Tax Department participates in all aspects of domestic and international tax planning ranging from forming and structuring emerging start-up companies, through corporate reorganizations and mergers, to liquidations of public and closely-held corporations. Tax Department attorneys have considerable experience in the formation and operation of high technology ventures, research and development projects, the ownership and transfer of new technologies, venture capital transactions, redemptions, both asset and stock acquisitions and dispositions, corporate liquidations, leveraged buyouts, and recapitalizations. The Department often provides advice on the preservation of net operating losses, the formation and operation of S corporations, and on stock options and other forms of executive compensation.
Rulings and Controversy
Sirote & Permutt’s Tax Department represents many clients in controversies with the Internal Revenue Service and various State taxing authorities. Our representation includes audits, settlement negotiations, abatement proceedings, as well as tax litigation before the U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Claims Court, and the U.S. District Courts and Courts of Appeals.
Many of our activities involve sophisticated tax planning for individuals and closely held and publicly owned businesses. Included in the full range of tax legal services are:
* Qualifying and counseling all types of tax exempt organizations
* Reorganizing businesses of all sizes
* Creating structures for new business ventures
* Representing clients in tax controversies before the Internal Revenue Service, in Tax Court, Claims Court, as well as state and federal courts
* Drafting proposed legislation
* Testifying before congressional committees
* Working with government officials formulating tax policy
* Tax abatements and tax exempt financings
Sirote & Permutt PC
2311 Highland Ave S #500
Birmingham AL 35205
Tel: 205 930-5100
Fax: 205 212-3888
Attorneys at Law, Corporate Litigation, Personal Injury and Liability
The firm’s lawyers represent clients in virtually every type of litigation, including corporate, commercial, conservation easement, contracts, construction, environmental, products liability, securities, taxation, insurance, antitrust, intellectual property, personal injury, probate and domestic relations.
